Join our team now!
No matter of you’re already experienced in your field or if you’re just starting: we are always looking for fun people who love music as much as we do and love writing about it.
What we can offer:
A great team: we are all down-to-earth people who have met each other on shows, online or via GENRE IS DEAD! Magazine. We have a Whatsapp group chat in which we don’t only coordinate our work with GID, but also talk about music and what ever is happening in our lives.
No pressure: the work on GID is unpaid, thus we all have a “real life” that has to come first, such as jobs, studies, school or families. We are incredibly thankful with all you have to offer. You can’t deal with the workload? No problem! Just communicate with us, so we can coordinate everyone’s workload beforehand, especially when it comes to concert reviews and interviews since we have to organize them with the bands.
Guestlist spots, photo passes, the opportunity to interview your favorite artists
Free Positions
You love music and enjoy writing about it? Your written English is next to flawless? You might be the new voice, GENRE IS DEAD! Magazine needs! Interested? Apply now by sending a work sample and a short bio to contact@genreisdead.com.
Here are your options:
News: You are generally interested and well informed about what’s going on in the music world. Workload: several short news articles per week. Example.
Music Reviews: You enjoy listening to lots of music no matter which genre and have no problem expressing your opinion of it. Workload: 1 long article per week. Example.
Concert Reviews: Gigs are your favorite past time activity and you can’t wait to share your experiences with the world. You are spontaneous and live in or close to a city with a lot of shows. Workload: whenever a gig comes up. Articles may vary in length. Example 1 and Example 2.
Interviews: You are interested in musicians’ work, their opinions and intentions. You don’t shy away from extensive research depending on how well you know the artist. Interviews may be conducted via email, phone or in person. For phoners and in person interviews, you have to be spontaneous and flexible with your time. Example.
Band photography is your passion. You own a professional camera and might even have shot a few gigs already. Apply by sending some of your images to contact@genreisdead.com.
You have already created some interesting Vlogs with your own equipment and would love to do so for our new YouTube channel? Send us your ideas for topics you’d cover, as well as a work sample to contact@genreisdead.com.